Barefoot woman sitting in grass stretches legs in front of her with ankles crossed and looks over shoulder toward camera and laughs
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Strike an (Un)Pose – Maija’s top 3 rules for making beautiful photos of people

I call it


(Un)posing is my term for how I work. I call it this because it’s a bit of a hybrid of me telling you exactly how to position your body and leaving you to your own devices.

It’s all about being your guide while also giving you the space for your authentic self to be fully present.

I’ll (un)pose you mostly through giving you actions or conversing with you to facilitate natural expressions. I find when people are moving and thinking about something other than a camera, they are more authentically themselves.

Keep reading for my top 3 (un)posing rules.


Keep moving

Movement always makes people focus less on the camera and be their truer selves, avoiding those forced, fake smiles. That is when people are at their most beautiful. Movement also creates more interest in hair and clothing while adding the necessary personality to make your photos unique.


Keep your hands busy.

Hands communicate so much within a photo – and in life.

If you’re with other people, use your hands to connect. In a more formal business setting, hands can be hooked in your pockets as you lean in towards the other person.

This is also where props are an important part of your branding photography. Even something small, such as a pen or your favorite coffee mug gives your hands something to do and creates a further hint to who you are.

If your hands are purposeful, it communicates a more relaxed and confident attitude with the viewer. (Never fear. It’s my job to guide you in what to do with your hands during a photo session. I’m here for you.)


You don’t always have to look at the camera.

You’ll look the most beautiful when you are your authentic self and sometimes this means you are in your own world or connecting with others. When it is not a forced look, it always appears more relaxed. And again, that is when your beautiful spark shines the brightest.

Branding Portraits and customized photography

Headshots, workspaces, processes, and the finer details of your branding stories

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