Silhouette of a pregnant woman

Pregnant Women vs. Toddlers: 15 Ways They Are Similar

I’m halfway through my second pregnancy right now. After a morning of chasing my toddler around, I laid down for a much needed nap. However, instead of sleeping, my brain started turning as I reflected on how similar toddlers are to pregnant woman. The more I thought, the more my list grew. 

I hope this makes you other pregnant mamas, formerly pregnant mamas, and the supporting people in a pregnant person’s life smile…

15 Ways a Pregnant Woman is Like a Toddler:

15. Snacks? Be ready and armed with them at ALL times!

14. Whoops! Did I just knock that over? Being pregnant is often being clumsy.

13. And the forgetful syndrome? Don’t get me started! I lost my phone the other day and realized after activating the “find my iPhone” that it was about 2 feet away.

12. Sometimes you pee your pants. Ummm…yes.

11. Afternoon often equals nap time or at least nap time wishes.

10. And early to bed too, of course. (I’ve been known to go to sleep at 8:30 occasionally!)

9. Patience can be fleeting. (9 months of PMS…need I say more?)

8. You turn down foods that are just fine in every regards except that it’s “icky.” Sometimes, you even threaten to vomit if you even look at it or smell it!

7. Sweet foods, salty foods, and/or greasy foods? Yes, please. (French fries and ice cream anyone?)

6. And after eating? You tend to have a few extra stains on your shirt. (Hey, that bump and those boobs are a bit bigger than they were yesterday!)5. Alcohol? Nope…have to stay away from it.

4. You can be a bit moody. How many times have you gone from laughing to crying to laughing again?

3. What about that waddle that begins to happen during the last month or two of pregnancy? I always think it’s cute watching a toddler waddle…

2. You need help tying your shoes. (Or you choose to wear slip-ons instead!)

1. Sometimes you just need a little extra love. 😍 

What did I miss? Send me a note and let me know!

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