Boy leans in to kiss his mom while she holds a newborn baby

Mom Brain: Self-Care is Necessary

In conversation with friends and clients, I often hear the terms “Mom Brain,” “Brain Fog,” and other words relating to a general feeling of being stressed out, overwhelmed, or exhausted. I’ve had similar words come out of my mouth. I’m a mom to a now 2-year old with plans to have one more kiddo. 

Because every person I am honored to photograph is a parent, or will be soon, sometimes I like to take a break from photography posts and share words that may help you emotionally too. (I was a School Counselor in between being an art teacher and beginning my photography business! 😉)

Have you ever heard of Postnatal Depletion? 

Newborns are a perfect (and adorable!) excuse for being tired, but did you know that it can effect moms 7+ years after their pregnancy? Postnatal Depletion contributes to a mom feeling constantly tired and/or overwhelmed. Moms so often neglect themselves, placing most of her energy into caring for her family and other outside responsibilities. 

I hope that by sharing this link, you’ll learn more about about postnatal depletion and can take the steps you need to take to feel whole again! The article also talks about the risk factors, and quite honestly, I identify with many of them. Judging by what I know of many of my friends and clients, they do too!

I’m not a doctor and I am not here to give any medical advice by any means. However, I thought I’d share some of what I do to take care of myself and to replenish myself as a mom and human being, hopefully. I’m so far from perfect. As I find myself feeling depleted, I often need to remind myself to take that time.

My Favorite Ways To Self-Care

Speak with my doctor

I took a couple of blood tests to find out where some of my own nutritional deficiencies lie so that I can supplement as needed, including that daily dose of Omega 3s.

Go to bed early

Enough to get plenty of sleep before my human-alarm-clock-without-a-snooze-button shouts, “Mommy!” (Sometimes, I stay up too late editing photo sessions or watching TV once my son goes to bed…I’m trying to get better about this!)


One thing that I’ve been enjoying doing is running to somewhere fun with the jogging stroller (a playground, the zoo…) and then taking public transit home (my guy loves the El!). It makes it a win-win for both my son and I. I also love the Parent/Tot Yoga Classes at Bloom! They are a great chance for my guy to socialize, the two of us to connect, and I always leave feeling rejuvenated. (When my son was first born, I did a lot of the Mommy and Me Classes at Prenatal Fit. It became an instant community AND a time to workout!)

Hire someone to help out when my husband is traveling.

I have someone come in for one morning each week to watch my son so I can focus on tackling a little of my to-do list. (Yes, they are still never done! See the last point in my list.)

Find a creative outlet

I am a photographer. By giving myself a creative outlet that also helps others out, it feeds my soul. I often find myself feeling more energetic after having taken family portraits and I usually have more to give back to my family.

Get out into nature as much as possible

That includes working in my container garden, taking my son to scout out possible outdoor photo locations, visiting the conservatory, or traveling to somewhere outside of Chicago. It all helps me feel more rejuvenated.

Schedule play dates with other mom friends frequently.

This gives my son a chance to socialize and it’s my opportunity to surround myself with a support system (other than my wonderful husband, of course.)

Try to cut myself a break.

This is usually easier said than done. I like making others happy, whether it be my family, my friends, or my clients.

Of course, this is all a work-in-progress. (Isn’t that life though?)

What are some things you are doing to replenish yourselves? Get in touch and tell me about it!

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