
Family (Un)posing Guide for Chicago Family Photos with Maija

Ask any parent who the most beautiful kid in the world is. They’ll tell you the names of their own kids.

This is true for YOU as well. Your mom and dad think YOU are the most beautiful person in the world.

I believe that through creating a relaxed and playful photo session, authentic and loving expressions will shine through. Your expressions and your personality are where your beauty are found. (Sorry, the fancy clothes, hair, etc…that’s all just bonus points.)

My 3 Main Rules for (Un)Posing during a Photo Session

In order to create this a relaxed and genuine experience for you, I have 3 main rules for every photo session:

  1. Keep moving ~ Movement allows people to relax and think less about the camera. The side benefit is hair looks more full and your clothing will have more interesting flow.
  2. Keep your hands connecting with one another. Kiss each other. Hug each other. Hold hands. Dance together. If your hands are busy, you’ll also avoid the limp, gorilla arms look. (Not a good for anyone!)
  3. You don’t have to look at the camera. ~ My goal is always to show the love and connections within your family. Often, people end up looking over to my camera naturally. However, because it is spontaneous, you also will look more relaxed. And that is beautiful!

7 Favorite Posing Prompts to use in a Family Photo Session:

  1. Walk together holding hands. Don’t worry about looking at me. Just enjoy being together in this moment. ~ On the way, look at each other. Feel free to dance a little, run, or make a kid swing. Just have fun.
  2. Bump your hips against one another. ~ This one never fails to get people laughing!
  3. See how strong you are! ~ Give your mom/dad the biggest, strongest hug and kiss you’ve ever given!
  4. Make your parents dizzy! ~ Run in circles around your parents while they hold each other and love each other.
  5. Whatever you do, don’t smile! And definitely don’t laugh! ~ The power of what not to do. It even works with adults sometimes!
  6. Throw a snowball at me! ~ Splash me with water. Throw leaves at me. It always changes with the season and the location. I don’t mind getting a little messy and this prompt helps people focus their attention toward the camera while creating movement. Laughter often follows too!
  7. On the count of 3, run towards me! ~ Before this, I usually whisper to the older kids how nice it can be to let a younger sibling “win” the race.

Yes! I’ve got loads more! When you subscribe to my newsletter (below) I share monthly tips for both (un)posing and for improving your own photography.

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