Did you know that Diaper Need…
…has increased sharply.
47% (almost half) of families reported diaper need in 2023. In the first diaper need investigation in 2010 and in several subsequent studies, approximately 33% or 1/3 of families reported diaper need.
…forces families to cut back on other essentials.
46% of families reported reducing other expenditures to afford diapers, with most of those households cutting back in multiple areas. The most common cutback was entertainment outside the home (56%). Other common areas for cutbacks included food (35%) and utilities (19%).
…is associated with stress and worry.
70% of the respondents reporting diaper need said that they were stressed or anxious about their responsibilities as a parent or caregiver. 53% said they felt judged as a bad parent/caregiver because they could not afford diapers.
…is widespread and cuts across income levels.
Among families with diaper need, 66% were categorized as low income, 28% as middle income, and 6% as high income.
…impacts daily life.
Families with diaper need reported more instances of unmet health needs; stress and anxiety; limitations on free time and social contact; and barriers to work.
…intersects with food insecurity.
More than a quarter of respondents (28%) who reported diaper need said that they skipped meals so that they could afford more diapers.
…results in parents missing work and losing wages.
1 in 4 (25%) of parents and caregivers with diaper need reported having to miss work or school because they did not have enough diapers to drop their child off at childcare, and reported missing, on average, 5.1 workdays in the past 30 days. This represents a loss of $296 per month for a parent earning the federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour.
Source: The National Diaper Bank Network ~ Diaper Check 2023
As a former art teacher and school counselor in Chicago Public High Schools, I saw some of this need first hand within the families of students I served. For those of you that have been following me, you’ve seen me talk about this organization before. As I’ve donated goods, photography services, and time to them over the years, I’ve witness first hand the impact Share Our Spare has on our community throughout Chicago.

Maija Martin Photography is proud to partner with Share Our Spare to host a diaper drive throughout the month of September, 2024.
Share Our Spare is a Chicago-based non-profit with a mission to ensure that every Chicago area child, ages 0-5, has the essential items they need to support their health and development to equip them for a strong start.
Over the past few months, Share Our Spare has had to limit diaper requests and deny new requests from organizations seeking diapers for incoming asylum seekers because inventory has been critically low. This year, Share Our Spare is on track to distribute more than 2 MILLION DIAPERS!
In order to reach this goal, Share Our Spare needs our help to ensure they have enough diapers to meet the needs of the 2,000+ children they serve monthly.
Maija invites you to join this mission by clicking the button below and purchasing a pack of diapers directly through the Share Our Spare link. (You don’t need to worry about delivery or anything. The diapers purchased ship directly to Share Our Spare!)
If you opened a pack of diapers and then your child outgrew them before you used them, you can also donate these open packs directly to the SHARE OUR SPARE warehouse at 3800 N Milwaukee Ave.
**Donations are accepted through the door located at 3750 N. Kilbourn Ave every Monday and Wednesday, 10am-4pm. While you’re there, feel free to share gently used gear that you no longer use: books, clothes, and other items for families with children 0-5. Here is a link to a full list of what they will accept.
For more information, please visit the Share our spare website or email