Man in suit leans on gray textured metal background

9 Tips for Preparing for your Next Headshot

Let’s face it. Most of us are not super models. Actually, most of us feel pretty awkward when there’s a big camera pointing in our direction. Never fear! That’s my job to help you through this process. In case you want a head start, here is a list of how to prepare for your next lifestyle business branding session – aka headshots and more with personality.

9 Tips for Preparing for Your Headshots

Dress as if you are going to meet a client you’d particularly like to impress.

Be the person who your clients will get to know! You will feel more comfortable and your photos will be more authentic.

Dress in layers and/or accessorize

Wear a jacket or sweater. Add a scarf. All of these can be quickly switched out to create a variety of looks in a very short time. This helps in the longevity factor for your photos.

Consider a professional

There are numerous make up artists, hair stylists, and wardrobe stylists throughout Chicago. Take advantage of their expertise! They’ll work within your style while also helping you select a look that looks great on camera.

You can also consider taking a makeup lesson a few weeks beforehand. (I did this and it was incredibly helpful!) They will show you what products work with your skin type and color as well as how to apply the products for the best look.

Nordstrom and a few other department stores have personal stylists on staff. And many times these services are included with purchase of your look.

Don’t forget to book these appointments in advance!

Try out your look

Take a selfie in your finished look. Be sure your clothes won’t cling in a funny ways to your undergarments. We don’t always notice this in real life, but it can make or break a still image. I always have some fashion tape in my camera bag, just in case we need it too!

Know that you’re going to feel awkward – at first.

Most people do. This feeling will evaporate as we start to make photos together. Set yourself up for success by creating moments of relaxation before we meet.


Be sure to communicate with me about your vision and hopes for your photos. After you’ve booked your session, I’ll send you a questionnaire to get these thoughts started.

Arrive early

Plan to arrive early so that you can be relaxed and ready to enjoy our time capturing you at your best. Stress is not a good look on anyone and it can sometimes be hard to shake.

Don’t forget to double check traffic or parking ahead of time.

Good intentions can be derailed when it comes to Chicago traffic and parking. It happens to the best of us, so be prepared.

Keep your extra items minimal – except do pack the “props” that you use for your work.

Some of these props might include your laptop, a favorite mug, your go-to pens…be creative! Everyone and every brand is unique. What makes yours stand out?

I’ll carry your extra items in my camera bag. This way you can be hands free during much of our session and you won’t have to worry about your things walking away when you’re not looking if we’re meeting at a public venue.

Ready to inject some new energy into your brand with new photos?

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