The Blog
Everyone is Photogenic – Tips for Acing Your Next Photo Session
I’m here to tell you that no matter what you’ve heard in your past, EVERYONE IS PHOTOGENIC. Truly. I mean that. We are so…
Tips for Photographing Your Halloween Magic
Halloween is a magical time for kids. When I was little, I planned my costume for weeks ahead of time. We carved a pumpkin…
i9 Sports Soccer League
i9 Sports is about building confidence and community through popular kids sports such as flag football, soccer, basketball, baseball, lacrosse and volleyball. The coaches and…
DIY vs Professional Branding Photography – There’s a place for both.
Marketing is A LOT about gaining the trust of others. Visuals, in the form of photos and videos, that demonstrate your products, process, personality,…
May I Have the Raw Files? Short Answer: No.
And I say that with kindness. If I were a chef, I would not just give you the ingredients to cook it all yourself.…
Emily’s Cookies – Brand Builder Case Study
Emily creates custom sugar cookies from a family recipe that goes back over three generations. As a child, she helped her grandma, and now…
The Comparison Trap – A Reflection and Lesson
Comparing ourselves to others is SUCH A HUMAN trait (flaw?). We look at other social media accounts and see their best selves projected onto…