Ai Headshots – Are they worth it?

They may seem like a cheaper, quicker route at first. However, they likely will cost your brand a lot more in the long run.

The process for getting an Ai headshot

For my Ai headshots, I used Instaheadshots. There are a bunch of companies out there. This one actually had pretty decent reviews. I wanted to try them out with a company that was supposedly tried and true.

Most companies require you to upload about 6-12 photos of yourself. They’ll compile these together, reaching out into who knows where for source material on backgrounds, clothing, and hairstyles. Then, they’ll send you a zip file with your images within just a few minutes. With Instaheadshots, I received 49 images total.

Of those, it’s a gamble how many will be useable. From my gallery, there were maybe 4 that on the surface, looked pretty decent. However, when I looked closer, every single photo had clues that it was created by a computer.

Ai headshots will end up costing you more

You may have heard people talking about how Ai will save you money from having to hire someone. It saves time because the headshots are done within a matter of minutes. Sure. All of this is true.

However, I believe that Ai will cost you a lot more in the long run and it isn’t worth your time or investment.

Have you ever sat down with someone who you only know from a photograph and that person looks nothing like the person you are meeting in real life? It feels uncomfortable and creates an automatic unease or disconnect.

Ai is no different. Your perspective client will sense that something is “off.” They may not be able to pin point why, but it will tarnish their impression of you.

Some people will spot the Ai before they even reach out to you. Many will move on to work with someone else, believing that your brand is cheap, unprofessional, and maybe not even trustworthy.

In this world where so many people are working for themselves, all of that can add up to a big loss of potential revenue.

Spot the Ai

Below is my gallery of Ai headshots. I received a total of 49 images. Most of the parts that are off are the eyes, the teeth, and the body proportions. (I come from an art education background. DaVinci taught us all a lot about body proportions…)

This list of what is off could be repeated on just about every photo in this carousel.

  • My hair is reddish only in some lighting. I’m dark blonde.
  • Compare the shapes of the iris in the eyes. They are mismatched in many of these.
  • The catchlights in the eyes are in some cases coming from different sources.
  • In most of these, those are not my teeth. In particular, look at how the front two teeth are mismatched sizes.
  • In a good majority of these, I’m wearing clothes that don’t match my real life wardrobe style.
  • In many of these, the body proportions are off. If you double the length of your head, that is how wide your shoulders are.

Scroll through the images, the caption will tell you what else I can see. Some of them are really quite awful!

If you need a laugh, by all means try it out.

Or let’s schedule a call so that we can make brand portraits the old fashioned way…with a camera and a smile.

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