Your beautiful spark.

Make time to show it off.

Woman leans against river bridge in downtown Chicago

when reserving YOUR personal or business branding session, please keep in mind:

Branding Photography requires planning time before your session date so that we can maximize our time together. Please schedule your session with at least 2 weeks lead time, preferably more. (I promise you’ll thank me later.)

Plan for your desired location:

  • INDOOR SESSIONS – If you plan to rent a space for your photos, it often takes 2-3 weeks to receive the proper permits and/or finalize reservations. Please note that while I’m happy to help apply for permits, all location fees are the responsibility of the client.
  • OUTDOOR SESSIONS in open areas photograph best when the light is most angled towards sunrise or sunset. We definitely want to avoid the direct overhead light because the raccoon look isn’t pretty on anyone. Lighting in downtown areas tends to be good anytime because we’ll rely more on the shade bouncing between buildings.

Every brand’s needs are unique. If you are looking for something specific and it’s not available, please email me.

Or, if you’re feeling uncertain, a brand review is a great place to start. ~ It’s credited back to you when you schedule any branding session.

Constructive feedback
delivered from the heart.

Schedule it for a Monday (no need to be there) and have it delivered to your inbox by Friday.